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How to grow a Periscope following, even if you're not ready to Scope.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret.. I'm terrified of Periscope. Just the thought of going on camera makes me feel a little lightheaded, but I know that it's something that I need to do to really take my business + blog to the next level. Thankfully, I've been going on Periscope to prepare myself for the day that I really do press the "Start Broadcasting" button. If you're in my shoes as well, don't worry!  

The number one rule is to CATCH A LIVE BROADCAST.

Why is this so important? Because, by catching a live broadcast you'll be able to interact with people who are online at the same time, connect with the broadcaster, and also grow your following by connecting with others. If you are catching a replay, these tips will not really have the same effect. 

Here are some tips to start creating your community on Periscope + grow your followers without scoping. 

1.      Connect with the broadcaster.

When you are watching someone scope, then make sure to talk to the broadcaster and give your input. If you like what they're saying, then tell them, "Love this!" Be engaged with them. This will help in the long run because once they see you pop up on their scopes more often, they will give you a shout-out, and other viewers will remember your handle and be more likely to engage with you on future scopes. 

2.      Help out the broadcaster.

What exactly does this mean? There are plenty of times when a broadcaster will have to throw a link out there, either to their website or any social media handles. Help them out by typing it out into the chat for them. Since they are too busy scoping, they won't have time to type their own URL into the chat. They would be super grateful and you'll also get eyes on your profile by doing that. 

3.  Connect with people who are interacting in the chat.

This is seriously one of the most important things you can do - everywhere. Whether it's your blog, Instagram, or Twitter your number one goal should be to connect with like-minded individuals. 

Here are some things to remember: These people are interested in the same topics you are interested in, or else they wouldn't be on the same scope.

That means that you don't need to be shy. One of my favorite things to do to connect with other entrepreneurs is to say, "Hey Amber! So glad to catch you on this scope as well, I've been seeing you everywhere!" If you see someone who has been on a previous scope then mention it to them.

This is also why bullet point #2 (help out the broadcaster) comes into play as well. There will be times when other viewers were not able to catch the URL or write it down soon enough so if you monitor the chat closely, you will be able to help out other viewers. 

Everyone knows that the best way to grow a following is to be helpful & sincere.

4.     Follow people who are engaging + who are online.

By now, you should know the word "engaging" is the only word in my vocabulary. I used it probably around 15 times in this post. The reason why I want you to catch live scopes is that the viewers are on the scope, watching, and will be more likely to follow you back. Basically, they are ONLINE right now. 

If you follow people who are on live scopes, they will get a notification that you followed them - making it more likely that they will follow you back or check out your Periscope.

If you want to be more strategic about who you follow - make sure that you have had some sort of interaction with this person. Whether you replied back to them, helped them out, or said hi to them. If you haven't interacted with them at all, then the likelihood of them replying back to you goes down drastically.